The Perspective Series:
0.2 Immerse
Dannii Kellett + Knot Theatre
(Pōneke / Wellington)
21 - 25 February 2024, 10am - 10pm daily
0.2 Immerse invites the Wellington Public to be embodied participants in this work, submerging themselves in a container full of swirling mist and fog. This atmospheric scenography is designed as a platform to reflect upon your relationship with people once they have passed. Surrounded by fog participants will be able to witness the performance of others whilst at the same time contributing in their own way to the choreography in the space, encouraging a higher sense of spatial awareness and connectedness.
0.2 Immerse is one of two forays into an alluring new cluster of projects titled The Perspective Series by Knot Theatre company, with whom Dannii Kellett works. It coincides with 0.1 Witness, a 30-minute taster show in Pōneke’s New Zealand Fringe Festival which brings together local talents in dance, live music, and spoken word story-telling to create a three-dimensional experience. This pair of works explores the theology of a guiding spirit watching over you, and the new perspectives we take in relationship with people once they have passed: navigating the shift from embodied relationships to reflecting on memory alone in a performance and art contexts. Whilst 0.1 Witness situates itself within a more traditional audience-performer relationship, in 0.2 Immerse you are welcomed to be more of an embodied participant.
Knot Theatre has been developing their kaupapa through its practice and learning from their arts whānau in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. They endeavour to create a working environment that celebrates the weaving of traditional and innovative theatre elements. After 10 premiered productions, they continue to seek opportunities to play with the blending of design-led style and a hands-on approach throughout the creative process. Their stories are built from sharing ideas and passions, carrying an idea from start to finish through worlds of storytelling, technology, puppetry, and physical theatre. This is the third year that Knot Theatre and Dannii Kellett have contributed to The Performance Arcade, after Regeneration in 2022, and Dannii Kellett's Play in 2023.
Dannii Kellett - Creative Director
Georgia Kellett - Perspective Series Creator
Click here to book tickets in the partner work for this piece in NZ Fringe Festival